Are you owner of Food delivery service? Be always at hand for your clients! Create your own native mobile application on the template “Food Delivery iOS”, by which you can increase the number of orders from mobile devices in minutes.
How does it work?
You are downloading open source “Food Delivery iOS”, then with an existing app template create your own mobile application, in which you have features such as:
— add / edit / delete menu (pics, names, prices)
— control sections and categories menu (add, assign them to headings)
— provide additional information about your business (about us, contacts, etc.)
— view orders (name, address, order).
With “Food Delivery iOS” you get more orders from mobile users, as well as save time and money on developing a separate mobile application.
Why “Food Delivery iOS” – this is exactly what you need for your business:
1. UI-oriented design
Designed by UI experts provides high comfort for your application users. You don’t need to develop mockups, draw design that will sell. We did it for you.
2. Functional aimed at selling
Enjoy it!
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