Thursday, 2 July 2015

WooCommerce Upsell Emails (Marketing)

Increase revenue by encouraging repeat purchases! Once a sale has been completed, WooCommerce Upsell Emails will send your customers a follow up email which recommends related products. You can also include a message of appreciation thanking them for their support or a coupon code to promote repeat business.

Installing WordPress

If you do not already have a working WordPress installation you will first need to install WordPress on your web server. Detailed instructions can be found here:

Installing WooCommerce

WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin. Our plugin is an extension that adds additional functionality to WooCommerce. Before installing WooCommerce Upsell Emails you MUST first install WooCommerce. If you are new to WooCommerce we recommend that you first read through the WooCommerce documentation:

Installing WooCommerce Upsell Emails

  1. Ensure that WordPress and WooCommerce are installed (See above requirements)

  2. Download the WooCommerce Upsell Emails plugin

  3. Upload the WooCommerce Upsell Emails plugin to the following directory on your web server: /wp-content/plugins

  4. Login to your WordPress Admin Area

  5. Click on ‘Plugins’ in the main menu

  6. Find the ‘WooCommerce Upsell Emails’ plugin and activate it

  7. Congratulations! The plugin is now installed and ready to be configured

Configuring WooCommerce Upsell Emails

  1. Login to your WordPress Admin Area

  2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings

  3. Click on ‘Emails’

  4. Click on ‘Upsell Email’

  5. Configure the plugin according to your preferences

Inserting coupon codes

Once you have created a coupon, you can insert the code into the copy text / message area. To do so go to the Upsell Email settings page (see Configuring WooCommerce Upsell Emails).

Configuring Products

WooCommerce Upsell Emails uses product categories to determine related products. Please ensure that your products have been set to categories. If a product is sold and it is not set to a product category, no Upsell email will be sent.


Customers will receive the Upsell email when their order has been marked as complete.

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